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[White Paper Reading] Conveyor: Continuous Deployment at Meta

A paper reading on the continuous deployment system at Meta, which is called Conveyor.
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[White Paper Reading] Twine, cluster management system at Meta

A paper reading on the twine, the cluster management system in Meta.
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Kube-proxy and CNI plugin: What's the difference?

Explain the difference between kube-proxy and CNI plugin, and describe how kube-proxy works briefly.
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Explore Kubernetes Design inspired by Borg

Some discussion on Kubernetes design principles, which are inspired by Borg.
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Iptables explore, implement virtual IP

Explain the core concepts of iptables and demonstrate how to implement virtual IP using iptables.
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Kubernetes networking: network namespace, veth pair and bridge

This post will explain the fundamental concepts involved in Kubernetes networking, including network namespace, veth, and bridge.
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